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How does the S-Type Flytrap lure mosquitoes?


The S-Type Flytrap is an efficient and eco-friendly mosquito trapping tool that reduces the mosquito population through unique fluorescent technology.

Inspired by mosquitoes' sensitivity to specific light, this Flytrap releases a special fluorescence at night, which, combined with the body heat and carbon dioxide emitted by humans, mimics the physiological characteristics of humans or animals, attracting mosquitoes strongly.

Drawn by this fluorescence, mosquitoes fly towards the Flytrap. Once they come into contact with the trapping area of the Flytrap, they become firmly stuck by a special adhesive substance, rendering them unable to escape. This adhesive substance not only has a powerful adhesive force on mosquitoes but also poses no harm to humans and the environment.

The trapping process of the fluorescent S-Type Flytrap requires no chemical agents, making it an environmentally friendly method of mosquito control. Whether in homes, yards, or outdoor areas, it effectively reduces the mosquito population, providing a more comfortable and healthy environment.